Technology timeline

  • First 4G smartphone in the US

    4G created by the company Telui Sonera ushered in a new wave of technology taking internet to a better and faster level with peak speed requirement at 100 megabits per second
  • First photo on Instagram is posted

    currently one of the largest social media platforms started here which ushered in a new wave of social media, and how we interact with social media. Invented by Kevin Systrom
  • IBM Watson

    IBM Watson beats out Ken Jennings in jeopardy, showing the powers of AI
  • Snapchat releases

    Another large push into the world of social media, snapchat, created Evan Spiegel led to a whole new way we use social media by creating more personal ways to connect
  • Minecraft releases

    A bold new open world adventure invented by a team at Mojang studios led to one of the biggest games of the decade