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Technology timeline

  • MP3

    Invented by Karlheinz Brandenburg, MP3s changed the game for digital audio. Encoding date using inexact approximations and then offloading partial data, it allowed for a large reduction in file size compared to uncompressed audio. Which meant we could have more music in a smaller format.
  • The IBM Simon

    The IBM Simon
    Invented by Frank Canova in November 23, 1992 a touchscreen mobile phone, and personal digital assistant is introduced. What is considered the first smartphone sends the first text message on December 3, 1992
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    Microsoft introduces Windows 95, an operating system that became the standard operating system as it gained immediate popularity
  • Java Programming Language

    Java Programming Language
    Invented by James Gosling, Java was designed to write code that could be used across multiple platforms, that support Java. Meaning less work for programmers.
  • iMac G3

    iMac G3
    Apple along with the help of designer Jony Ive, brought us the iMac G3. The iMac G3 is an all in one Mac desktop computer. With a CRT monitor in a sleek design it was an upgrade to the traditional home computer. It also contained a slot loaded optical drive which are prominently used in gaming consoles and vehicle audio units.