layed on the ground watching probably way too much television -
Started talking to Nana and Papa on our house telephone -
VHS player
watched disney movies all day long -
I began coloring with crayons when I was just over one years old. -
I started writing with pencils when I was in first grade! -
walkman CD player
rocked out to Britney Spears and Chirstina Aguilara on my sweet walkman all through town! -
My brother and I begame regular gamers during the playstation fad, especially the game Crash Bandicoot -
hit clipz
Nothing better than listening to 30 seconds of your favorite artists on your hit clipz! Friends would make trades at recess. -
My furby became the coolest part of my childhood -
Started painting on my mom's computer, using the app "microsoft paint" -
nintendo 64
discovered Mario at my Nana and Papas house. New obbsession. -
the first ever smartboard appeared in my elementary school -
Got my first Ipod for Christmas and didn't even know what it was when I opened it -
crazor cell phone
in eighth grade I got my first cell phone for my birthday. -
Dvd player
switched over to watching the new and improved dvd's! -
slider cell phone
upgraded to a cooler slider phone -
apple laptop
got my own labtop computer for graduation! -
I FINALLY got my first smart phone for Christmas. About time...