Technology Timeline

  • Difference Engine

    Can do any math sums and can be engineered to skip numbers.
  • Hewlett - Packard

    HP is founded, David Packard and Bill Hewlett found the company in a Palo Alto garage, California.
  • Colosuss engine

    Used to break German codes during WWII saving countless lives.
  • Touchscreen technolgy

    This is when the first fully responding touchscreen was created
  • Samsung Electronics

    A branch of Samsung: Samsung Electronics is founded in South Korea. This company competes with Apple and creates some of the world’s most popular gadgets
  • Microsoft

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen create the company that mainly creates software and OS for phones, tablets and computers that are used all over the world.
  • Apple

    Steve Wozniak creates the Apple 1 a single board computer and with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne, the found Apple Inc. Which creates the world’s most popular gadgets.
  • Atari 2600

    A game console used for leisure in homes.
  • Windows 1.0

    Windows 1.0 the first windows OS to be developed and starts a long line of windows OS.
  • World Wide Web

    The public is now aware of the world wide web. Although the internet was a military project in the late 1960’s
  • PlayStation

    This is the first PlayStation, a games console. It was used by many people for entertainment worldwide and started the line of one of the most popular games console
  • Xbox

    The Xbox is was developed by Microsoft as a games console used for entertainment and leisure. It has two successors: Xbox 360 and Xbox one
  • Facebook

    Originally called Thefacebook but later changed to Facebook. Facebook is a social media site which allows you to share thoughts, pictures and connect with friends and family on the other side of the world
  • MacBook

    The MacBook is a laptop developed by Apple and is one of the most popular laptops in the world. This laptop went on and many other MacBooks were designed and sold.
  • Samsung Galaxy

    This was the first Samsung touch phone that was released. The successors to this phone are one of the most popular phones in the world
  • iPhone

    This was the first iPhone ever. This phone was the start of a line that is now the most popular phone in the world.