Technology Timeline

By Trey27
  • 10,000 BCE


  • 4000 BCE


  • 950


    First windmills were in Persia
  • 1044


    William Thomson
  • 1250

    Mechanical clock

    Yi Xing
  • Lightning Rod

    Ben Franklin
  • Submarine

    David Bushnell
  • US Patent

    William Pollard
  • Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney
  • Steam powered pumping station

  • Spray gun

    Dr. Alan de Vilbiss
  • Amphibious Vehicle

    Oliver Evans
  • Coffee pot

    Benjamin Thompson
  • Steam boat

    Robert Fulton
  • Armored warship

    Robert Fulton
  • Plough

    John Jethro
  • Erie Canal

  • Profile lathe

    Thomas Blanchard
  • Photography

    Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
  • Electro magnetic motor

    Joseph Henry
  • Reaper

    Cyrus McCormik
  • Reaping machine

  • Sewing machine

    Walter Hunt
  • Threshing Machine

    John A.
  • Revolver

    Samuel Colt
  • Power tools

    Thomas Davenport
  • Paint Tube

    John Rand
  • Ether Anesthesia

    Crawford Williamson
  • Vulcanized rubber

    Charles Goodyear
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse
  • False Teeth

    Cladius Ash
  • Cylinder printing press

    Richard M.
  • Crystal palace

  • Passenger elevator

    Elisha Graves Otis
  • Burglar alarm

    Edwin T Holmes
  • oil well

    Edwin Drake
  • Repeating rifle

    Tyler Henry
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell
  • Electric Light

    Thomas Edison
  • Automobile

    Karl Benz
  • Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi
  • Airplane

    Orville Wright
  • Rockets

    Robert Goddard
  • Television

    Philo T. Farnsworth
  • Computer

    John Atanasoff
  • Nuclear Power

    Enrico Fermi
  • Transistor

    John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley
  • Spaceflight

    Soviet Union
  • Internet

    Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn

    Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier