French mathematician Blaise Pascal invents the adding machine.
Isaac Newton invents a reflecting telescope.
Christian Huygens patents the pocket watch
Gottfried Leibniz pioneers the binary number system.
Thomas Newcomen builds the first practical steam engine.
Italian Alessandro Volta makes the first battery
Charles Wheatstone invents the microphone.
Samual Morse invents Morse Code.
Christopher Sholes invented the typewriter.
The Kodak camera was the first to incorporate the roll film, also invented by George Eastman.
The hearing aid invented by Miller Reese Hutchison.
John Logie Baird develops mechanical television.
Inventor Chester Carlson used static electricity created with a handkerchief, light and dry powder to make the first copy on Oct. 22, 1938. The copier didn't get on to the market until 1959, more than 20 years later
Douglas Engelbart develops the computer mouse.
James Russell invents compact discs.
Ivan Sutherland develops Sketchpad, one of the first computer-aided design programs.
Robert Metcalfe links computerstogether using Ethernet.
The first mobile phone call was made by Motorola employee Martin Cooper. Using a prototype of what would become the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x, the world's first commercial cell phone.
Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs launch the Apple I: one of the world's first personal home computers
The creation and patenting of the very first flash drive is credited to Dov Moran and his company, M-Systems.
Apple revolutionizes music listening by unveiling its iPod MP3 music player.
Originally introduced in 2007, the iPhone was one of the first smartphones to make use of a multi-touch interface. After its release, the iPhone set the standard for future smartphone design and usability.
The PS4 Pro was released to the public
Apple releases the IPhone X, the tenth anniversary edition phone to celebrate the birthday of IPhones.