
Technology Timeline

  • Analytical Machine

    Analytical Machine
    Developed by Charles Babbage in the 1830s, was powered by steam and was used to run automated calculations, like an early calculator.
  • Hollerith Machine

    Hollerith Machine
    The Hollerith Machine was developed for the 1890 census and tabulated punch cards as a form of early computing.
  • Alan Turing Machine

    Alan Turing Machine
    Alan Turing developed both the Turing Machine in 1936 for advanced automatic computations, as well as the Enigma codebreaking machine in 1945.
  • HP

    Hewlett-Packard was founded by William Hewett and David Packard in 1939, and begun production of sophisticated instrumentation. they also produced military applications throughout WW2. They have produced many groundbreaking electronics products since
  • COBOL, Grace Hopper

    COBOL, Grace Hopper
    Grace Hopper developed FLOW-MATIC, the basis for COBOL, the first portable programming language for data processing. COBOL was officially released in 1958, but was revised multiple times.
  • Englebart GUI

    Englebart GUI
    Douglas Englebart developed the first usable user interface, or Graphical User Interface. Previously computers were exclusively a calculations machine, the GUI allowed for anyone to access the near full extent of the computer
  • Apple

    Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne incorporated in 1976 to begin production of the Apple 1, one of the first available home computers for personal use.
  • Windows

    Windows 1 was officially launched in 1985 by Bill Gates as the operating system for all microsoft personal computers, and was the first GUI produced by microsoft.
  • Tim Berners Lee, HTML

    Tim Berners Lee, HTML
    HTML 1.0 was publicly released in 1993, and was created by Tim Berners Lee as the first programming language used to create webpages. HTML 1.0 was not directly used for this purpose, instead being used more for navigation. it wasn't until HTML 2.0 in 1995 that users were directly creating webpages.
  • Wifi

    The 802.11 standard was launched in 1997 as a radio signal as the first publicly available wifi system. it allowed for remote access to the internet without the need for a direct wired connection via ethernet.
  • Iphone

    The first Iphone was launched in 2007 by Apple, and was the first massively produced touch screen mobile phone.
  • Chromebook

    The first edition of chromebooks was released in 2011, as the first laptop produced by Google, running ChromeOS, a lightweight OS compared to those used by microsoft and apple.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    The first apple produced smart watch with full smartphone connectivity, the apple watch was first released in 2015 by apple.