Technology Timeline

  • IPod Shuffle

    IPod Shuffle
    The IPod shuffle is a tiny listening device which enables the user to buy download and browse for songs.
  • Xbox

    Xbox is a gaming console and a media centre for home.
  • Amazon Kindle

    Amazon Kindle
    The Amazon Kindle enables the user to buy, download, browse, and read e-books, newspapers, magazines in one small touch screen device
  • MacBook Air gen 1

    MacBook Air gen 1
    The MacBook is a thinner lighter version of other computers
  • 3DS

    The 3DS is a portable gaming console which makes fun for the user if he/she can stand 3D or if he/she cannot, they could use the 3D slider to adjust
  • IPhone 4S

    IPhone 4S
    The iPhone is still just a smart phone that people carry around for communication and you can take photos and check your Email

    ASIMO is the first robot that is not controlled and has a mind of his own
  • Google Glasses

    Google Glasses
    Google glasses is a wearable computer, easy to access and isn’t heavy
  • 3D pen/doodler

    3D pen/doodler
    The 3D pen is a tool for artists to draw a 3D object.
  • Surface Pro 3

    Surface Pro 3
    The surface pro 3 is a fusion of a laptop and a tablet. It replaces the conventional design