Technology timeline

  • Gameboy

    I used mine primarily during 2013-2016, but it was invented in 1989. This was a common, portable way to play games for many generations. Invented by Gunpei Yokoi. It has mostly faded away, since games are now easily accessible on phones and laptops.
  • Nintendo DS

    Nintendo DS
    I used mine primarily during 2015, but it was originally invented in 2004 by Satoru Okada. This was a handheld, folding game system that could be inserted with different games. It also featured a messaging system and a drawing pad.
  • iPad 1st gen

    iPad 1st gen
    Originally invented in 2010, I inherited one in 2018. invented by Steve Jobs. This device had blown up and since invention, is used in place of computers, for entertainment, drawing, and much more.
  • iPod 5th gen

    iPod 5th gen
    Invented in 2012, I had mine in 2016-2018. Invented by Tony Fedell and Steve Jobs. This device was very popular for younger people in place of an iPhone, since it didn't have to have cell service. The most recent release was in May, 2019.
  • (modern) apple pencil

    (modern) apple pencil
    Modern invented in 2018, original in 2015. Invented by Apple (designed by multiple people). This device is used as a way to draw on tablets and iPhones.