
Technology Timeline

By JSwan
  • Television

    electronic delivery of moving images and sound; Philo Farnsworth II
  • Bell System

    Bell System
    Telephone Communication System;
    Alexander Graham Bell
  • 1990's

    Invented by Lou Ottens and his team at the Dutch company Philips in 1963, Compact Cassettes come in two forms, either already containing content as a prerecorded cassette (Musicassette), or as a fully recordable "blank" cassette. Both forms have two sides and are reversible by the user.
  • Computer Technology (home and work)

    Computer Technology (home and work)
    Inventions related to or associated with computers and devices with a central processing unit, such as the hardware and software of computers, the Internet, and storage devices. Babbage, Blankenbaker
  • Smartphone(Blackberry)

    Phones able to receive/utilize email.
    Mike Lazaridis and Doug Fregin
  • Kindle Fire Tablet

    Kindle Fire Tablet
    Small tablet computers developed by Amazon.