Apple Was Founded In 1977
On January 4, 1977, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computer Inc. . Originally, Apple was founded with Ronald Wayne, but he sold his share within 12 days of buying it. Sales were quick and made them popular fast -
The Apple III Was Introduced
The Apple III was Apple's first failure. It almost wrecked the company. Luckily they had a comeback with their next product. -
The Apple IIC
The apple IIC came out on April 4, 1984.The Apple IIC was apple's first attempt at a portable computer. It was successful, but couldn't do as much because it didn't have the same big motherboard as the other computers. -
Macintosh SE
The Macintosh SE, or Mac SE, was released on March 7, 1987. The Macintosh SE was significantly better than the Macintosh plus. It was a big step up from the other computers. -
iMac G3
On August 15, 1998, the iMac G3 was released. The iMac G3 was originally released as the iMac. It was very much a success. -
The First iPod
The first iPod was released on November 23, 2001. The iPod was the first music player to go all digital. It was later reinvented to be even better. -
The First iPhone
The First ever iPhone was released on May 29, 2007. The speculation for the first iPhone was big, but that is because it was such a major handheld device. It is a base for what all our phones are now. -
The iPad was released on April 3, 2010. The first iPad to be created was a huge success with multiple amazing reviews. It continues to be a bestselling item. -
Apple Pay
Apple pay was unveiled in 2014 and is useful now today as well. It works so that you just need your phone instead of credit/debit cards. It also helps minimize space. -
Airpods were released on September 7, 2016 and were a big change. They were apple's first wireless cord-free, in-ear headphones. They featured a wireless charging case as well. They were and still are, a big hit. -
MacBook Pro
On November 27, 2016, the MacBook Pro was released. The MacBook Pro features a light-up touch bar and an extremly thin screen. It is extremely more advanced than the old computers. -
The HomePod
On February 9, 2018, the HomePod was released. The HomePod is a device for your home that plays music, answers questions, and many other useful features. It can be compared to the google home or amazon Alexa. -
Apple Watch Series 5
On September 20, 2019, the apple watch series 5 was released. It showed just a couple things different from the apple watch series 4, an always-on display for instance. It was very positively reviewed by critics. It was labeled a success, but the critics thought there could be more new features. -
The iPhone 11 Pro Max
The iPhone 11 Pro Max was released on September 20, 2019, and was a little confusing to some people. It featured three back cameras and one front. It had many improvements and one thing that interested people, slow-motion front-facing videos. It came out with the iPhone 11 and 11 pro as well.