Difference Engine
The Difference Engine was invented by Charles Babbage in 1822 making it one of the first mechanical calculators -
Hollerith Punch Card
The Hollerith Punch Card was invented when Herman Hollerith got inspired by Train conductors who noticed that they would mark the distance of where the person was traveling to on the railway ticket -
Alan Turing was an English mathematician who had developed the Turing machine which had set limits but also made it so that it could theoretically compute everything that humans could if it was given enough limits -
Hp was founded by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard where there first invention was to test sound equipment and than in 1940 they entered the computer market -
COBOL (Common Business Oriented Langue) Is an English like computer programming format language -
Apple is a electronic company founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak -
Made by Douglas Engelbart the GUI (Graphical User Interface) Took over the normal text based UI -
Windows is a operating system for different brands of computers besides apples -
Wifi is a service that was originally made for use by the USA military but got released to the public in 1997wivh is used for local internet access -
The iPhone was Apples first smartphone using its own IOS mobile system -
The Chromebook is google brand of computers that uses windows systems -
Apple watch
The Apple was The first Apple wearable device that allowed for people to have a functional fitness tracker