Technology Timeline

  • iPod Shuffle

    iPod Shuffle
    The iPod shuffle was something outside of its time. I vividly remember the hype it was getting at the time of release. The fact that one could hold 500 plus songs in something as small as the shuffle was amazing. The time between when it came out and I got it wouldn't do any difference for me as unlike now the shufflle didn't undergo major improvements other then storage. Where as now almost 1 new edition of the iPhone, iPod, iPad etc is released with significant improvements.
  • Gmail

    I was first introduced to electronic mail when I was roughly 11 years old. I firmly recall the experience exciting and I treated it as an entrance into teenage hood. I recall before I was introduced to Email both my parents use it to contact friends family and colleagues within their proffessions. I used email at the time to connect with friends on Instant message. My usage of this tool has greatly changed from then and now. Today I use my email for professional purposes, such as school, etc.
  • Netflix (Streaming

    Netflix (Streaming
    I remember the time when we would have to order a movie on Netflix and it would come a day later and you would have to return it in the allotted time. Then, Netflix introduced streaming and boy was it a game changer. Everyone went bonkers, and for me being able to stream a movie from the comfort of my home was the best feeling. Although I didn't get the streaming feature immediately when it came out I don't think it negatively effected me as better movies were added to the stream every year.
  • MacBook Pro

    MacBook Pro
    When I received my first personal computer I was ecstatic. Although the personal computer had been out for several years, the improvements to the personal computer were getting better and better. One thing it must say is the laptops are getting smallerer faster and more efficient with more tools then one can count so I would be lying if I said I didn't want the new MacBook every year! Having a laptop an apple laptop at that was somewhat of a status symbol and a powerful tool and will always be.