
Technology Timeline 1990s

  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW) while employed at CERN. The final proposal for the project was made in 1990 and this was when the first web server and browser were created using hypertext. There were no search engines when first created. The creation of the WWW was a major advancement and has shaped the way technology is used on an everyday basis for individuals and companies.
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  • Text Messages

    Text Messages
    Software Engineer Neil Papworth sent the first SMS text message. As phones did not have a keyboard yet, the message was sent from a computer. SMS texts led to "txt spk" (LOL, BRB, OMG) and emoticons ( smiles :), frowns :( ) to use the keyboard to convey longer phrases and relay emotion.
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  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    Windows 95 was an updated Operating System from Microsoft. This update combined formerly separate products and had an improved graphical user interface (GUI) system. This update helped bring the Microsoft system closer to the updated functionality of Apple at the time. The Windows 95 update included the addition of the "Start" button and taskbar.
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  • DVD

    The first DVD was one-sided and held 1.46 GB of data. There is no specific individual/company credited for the DVD, as multiple worked to create one format for distribution. The DVD has more storage, better video, and audio quality compared to VHS tapes.
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  • Google

    Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google was created to function as a search engine for the recently developed world wide web and is now the world's largest search engine used. The company now has many products and businesses along with the search feature (Gmail, YouTube, Chrome, Android).
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  • Y2K Updates

    Y2K Updates
    The "millennium bug" created fear computers/software would fail/malfunction with the new century. Dates were represented by the last two digits of the year, leaving "19" out (1960 as 60). If 2000 read 00, the worry was it would be read as 1900. Hardware and software companies worked to update the date field on their materials and programs to include four digits to allow for the date to be computed properly.
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