Technology Timeline

  • Enlebart GUI

    Enlebart GUI
  • Apple I

    Apple I
    In 1976, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs came together to contribute to the Personal Computer (PC) market by introducing the Apple I, which sold for $666.66. 50 units were sold to a local computer store (The Byte Shop) in Moutain View, California. Both Steve's did this by selling personal possessions to start the company formerly known as The Apple Computer Company, now known as Apple Inc. Only 200 units of the Apple I that were produced. The Apple I was discontinued later in 1977 by the Apple II.
  • Chromebook

  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    This piece of technology has quickly risen up the ranks to become one of the best-selling smartwatches, selling 4.2 million in Apple's 2nd quarter of its 2015 fiscal year. There are currently 10 different versions/series of this technology. It features pieces of technology such as, altimeter, barometer, Heart sensor, Bluetooth, Wifi, Cellular Capabilities, Accelerator, GPS, Temperature, compass and more