Technology Timeline

  • The fisrt credit card by Ralph Schneider

  • Invented the fisrt video tape by Charles Ginsburg

  • First Musical Synthesizer invented by RCA

    First Musical Synthesizer invented by RCA
  • Bette Nesmith Graham invented "mistake out" later renamed Liquid Paper

     Bette Nesmith Graham invented "mistake out" later renamed Liquid Paper
  • Gordon Gould invents the Laser

    Gordon Gould invents the Laser
  • Jacky Kilby and Robert Noyce both invent the microchip

    Jacky Kilby and Robert Noyce both invent the microchip
  • Fredrick Moby invented the Halogen Lamp

    Fredrick Moby invented the Halogen Lamp
  • Audio Cassete invetned by The Plilips Company of the Netherlands

  • Compac Disc Invented by James Rusell

  • First handheld calculator invented by W. Oughtred

  • Robert Dennard invented Ram

  • Joseph Woodland invented the bar code scanner

  • video game invented by Nolan Bushnell

  • scanning tunneling microscope invented by Gerd Karl Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer.

    scanning tunneling microscope invented by Gerd Karl Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer.
  • Windows program invented by Microsoft

    Windows program invented by Microsoft
  • Digital cellular phones invented

    Digital cellular phones invented
  • World Wide Web invented by Tim Berners Lee

    World Wide Web invented by Tim Berners Lee
  • DVD invented by sony philip

    DVD invented by sony philip
  • Web Tv invented by

    Web Tv invented by
  • Tekno bubbles pattented

    Tekno bubbles pattented
  • in 2004 was invented facebook by a harvard student

    in 2004 was invented facebook by a harvard student
  • Ipad was ivented by MAC

    Ipad was ivented by MAC