By vanarp
  • Lighting Rod imvented by Benjamin Franklin

    Lighting Rod imvented by Benjamin Franklin
  • Hot air balloon invented by Montgolfier brothers

     Hot air balloon invented by  Montgolfier brothers
  • Locomotive invented by Richard Trevithick

     Locomotive invented by  Richard Trevithick
  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephonr

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephonr
  • Thomas Edison invents the working and practical light bulb.

    Thomas Edison invents the working and practical light bulb.
  • Wilhelm Roentgen discovers X-rays

     Wilhelm Roentgen discovers X-rays
  • The Wright brothers invent the first successful flying plane.

    The Wright brothers invent the first successful flying plane.
  • Vacuum tube is invented by John Ambrose Fleming

    Vacuum tube is invented by John Ambrose Fleming
  • John Logie Baird invents the Color TV in Hastings England.

    John Logie  Baird invents the Color TV in Hastings England.
  • The transistor is invented by William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain

    The transistor is invented by William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter  Brattain
  • Jack kilby invented the Silicon chip

    Jack kilby invented the Silicon chip
  • Theodore Maiman invents the laser.

    Theodore Maiman invents the laser.
  • E-mail invented by Ray Tomlinson

    E-mail invented by  Ray Tomlinson
  • The cell phoneinvented by a man named Martin Cooper in 1973

     The cell phoneinvented by a man named Martin Cooper in 1973
  • NASA invents the first orbitor ENTERPRISE.

    NASA invents the first orbitor ENTERPRISE.
  • IBM invents the personal computer

    IBM invents the personal computer
  • Artificial heart is invrnted to replace the real heart.

    Artificial heart is invrnted to replace the real heart.
    There have been few cases when people were declared too ill by the doctors for heart transplant but artificial heart did wonders for them. This invention has proved to be ground breaking in the field of medical science and was named Time’s invention of the year
  • 3 former PayPal employees invent YouTube which google then bought for 1.65 billion dollars.

    3 former PayPal employees invent YouTube which google then bought for 1.65 billion dollars.
  • Apple invents the iphone 1. It is the first touch screen phone, with the funtions of a computer that you can take out into the streets.

    Apple invents the iphone 1. It is the first touch screen phone, with the funtions of a computer that you can take out into the streets.
  • The large hadron collidor is invented.

    The large hadron collidor is invented.
    It is the worlds largest, high energy particle accelerator. It is used to collide 2 atoms together so that they can study its properties, and behaviour.
  • Apple invents and releases the Ipad

    Apple invents and releases the Ipad
    That is the approximate day as the project was started in 2008 and finished in 2010. The month and day is the day it was released.