Technology Timeline

By cmdunn
  • DVD

    DVD(Digital Video Disc) was invented by a combination of different companies such son Sony, Toshiba,and Philips.
  • Adobe Flash

    Adobe Flash
    Adobe Flash, which was formerly known as Macromedia Flash, was introduced by Jonathan Gay in May of 1996
  • Google

    Google was invented by two Ph.D students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin in September of 1998
  • iPod

    The company Apple, created a portable music player, called the iPod, in October of 2001.
  • MySpace

    MySpace was created by Tom Anderson in 2003. In 2006 in had its 100 millionth account created. MySpace was the largest social networking site until April 2008 when Facebook became more popular.
  • Facebook

    Facebook was invented by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004. Zuckerberg created Facebook while he was a college student at Harvard University.
  • Youtube

    YouTube was invented by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim in February of 2005. Youtube enables users to look at other users videos or their own that they have uploaded
  • Twitter

    Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey. By 2007, Twiiter became just as popular as Facebook. Approximately 1.6 billion tweets are sent every day.
  • iPhone

    The iPhone was created and released in June 2007 by the same company who created the iPod, Apple. It functions as a phone, a camera, and an iPod all into one.
  • Kindle

    Amazon created the Kindle in 2008. It was designed by Amazon as an online bookseller and the Kindle is currently in its fourth generation