Technology TImeline

  • Atari Pong

    Atari Pong
    My dad's first video game was the Atari Pong, It was released in 1972. My dad got his in 1976,
  • Boombox

    My dad's first music system was a boombox. In 1980, they carried boomboxes around and played casette tapes. They were released around 1980 and we're highly popular.
  • WalkMan

    Portable cassett player with headphones, invented in 1979 by Kozo Ohsone and SONY.
  • Bag Phone

    Bag Phone
    My mom's first phone was a BagPhone, she got it in 1989 and it was released in 1983.
  • Playstation

    My sister had the Playstation first generation, which was released in 1997.
  • Dad's First Cell Phone

    My dad's first cell phone was a cingular phone, in 1998.
  • Family Computer

    Family Computer
    The computer was first released in 1882 and my parent's had their first one in 1999, it cost about 800-900 dollars.
  • Gameboy

    The gameboy was originally released in 1990.
  • Dad's First Ipod

    Dad's First Ipod
    My dad's first ipod was the ipod first generation, he got it when it was first released which was in 2005.
  • Nitendo D.S.

    Nitendo D.S.
    The Nitendo D.S. was first released in late 2004.
  • My First Computer

    My First Computer
    The first laptop was invented in 1969 by Bill Moggridge.
  • My First Cell Phone

    My First Cell Phone
    My first cell phone was the env3. It was realeased in May of 2009.
  • Ipod Touch

    Ipod Touch
    The iPod line was announced by Apple on October 23, 2001, and released on November 10, 2001. All of the models have been redesigned multiple times since their introduction. The most recent iPod redesigns were introduced on September 1, 2010. The first ipod touch was released on September 9, 2009.
  • First Smartphone

    First Smartphone
    The Droid 2 Global was my first smartphone. Verizon promoted the Droid as an Apple iPhone-alternative. Launched on October 17, 2009.
  • Kindle Touch

    Kindle Touch
    The first generation kindle was released in September of 2007 for $399 in the United States. It sold out in five and a half hours.