The Camera
Johann Zahn was the designer of the first camera in 1685. The first photo ever taken was by Joseph Nicephore. -
The first self-winding pocket watch
Abraham Louis Perret made the first watch by himself. -
The First Typewriter
It was invented by the Americans, Christopher Latham Sholes, Frank Haven Hall, Carlos Glidden, and Samuel W. -
The First Printer
Remington Rand created the first printer and desgined it himself. But Chester Carlson invented a dry printing process that it called electrophotography. -
The Keyboard
The very first keyboard was inspired by the Typewriter. Christopher Latham Sholes was the inventor. -
The First Radio
Guglielmo Macroni the Italian inventor invented the first radio for communication and for the news. -
The First Headphones
The First set of headphones were made by Nathan Baldwin. He made them by hand. -
The first TV
Philo Taylor Farnsworth lived without electricity until he was 14. He created and designed the first tv when he was 21. -
First Video Game
Physicist William Higinbotham created the very first video game which was a simple tennis game. -
Larry Page and Sergey Brin were the founders of google. -
The IPod
Steve Jobs created the first IPod in 2001. He created it to listen to music. -
First Social Media Site
Andrew Weinreich creatred the first social media site called "Six Degrees" so people could meet new friends on the internet. -
IPhone 8
The IPhone 8 is expected to be released in 2017. -
Store Dot fast charging
The Store Dot fast charging is expected to come out in 2019. It will charge your phone in 30 seconds instead of 30 minutes. -
PlayStation 5
The PlayStation 5 is expected to come out in 2020. (I'll be 18) And it'll probably cost $399.00.