Technology Time Gen-Z

  • USB Flashdrives

    USB Flashdrives
    Created by Dov Moran & Pua Khein-Seing, the USB flash drive is a data storage device with flash memory and an integrated USB interface.
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  • iPod

    Invented by Steve Jobs, the iPod was a portable media player and multipurpose device with multiple variations. Originally starting with just the media playing aspect they later developed screens, then become touch screen and like an iPhone
  • Blu-Ray

    Invented by Blu-Ray Disc Association, Blu-ray is a digital optical disc data storage format designed to supersede the DVD format and is capable of holding hours of HD video.
  • Wii

    Invented by Shigeru Miyamoto, the Wii was Nintendo's first at home game console to support wifi connectivity. it had online games as well as remote ones
  • iPhone

    Invented by Steve Jobs, the iPhone was the very first mobile phone with multi-touch techology.