
Technology throughout my life

  • VHS tapes

    VHS tapes
    Created by JVC. These were created to make the average consumer to watch movies and TV shows when they wanted to and as much as they wanted.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    Created by Bill Gates and Microsoft. This was to make the personal computer become more user friendly and more accessible for business use. The average consumer was also able to use this software to play games, send emails and chat with others online from across the world with software like AOL.
  • Console wars

    Console wars
    The Xbox was crated by Microsoft.
    The Playstation 2 was created by Sony.
    The Gamecube was created by Nintendo. All of them were created to give gamers more processing power than the previous consoles with easier access to video games without having to build a powerful PC or go to the arcade.
  • HDTV

    HDTVs were starting to be release around 2005 and quickly because popular due to their size, shape and crisp quality. As time passed they became more affordable.
  • iPhone 3 g

    iPhone 3 g
    Created by Steve Jobs and Apple. This was created to combine phones and computers to make them both more portable. It started the smart phone era that both Samsung and Apple now are dominate contributors.