The first battery was invented in the year 1800 by a man named Alessandro Volta. It was made of stacked copper plates with slim pieces of leather in between them. Once it was completely assembled, it is lathered in vinegar. This specific invention changed the world by becoming a great power source to thousands of inventions from an electric toothbrush all the way to a car! -
Kirkpatrick Macmillan invented the first bicycle in 1817. The unique invention wasn't powered by a motor, instead, it was powered by the person riding it. The bicycle had 2 wheels ( just like the one's today) and was ridden by a mixture of balance and pedaling. The bicycle changed the world by creating a way of transportation without distributing gasses into the air and is a much smaller object than an automobile, therefore it is much more storage-cooperative. -
Powered Lawn Mower
The first powered lawn mower was invented by Edwin Budding in 1830. The machine was designed to cut sports ground and fields, and large gardens. The powered lawn mower was a massive relief to humans to have an easy way of taking care of their property which is why this brilliant machine is now used everywhere. -
Invented by Karl Benz in 1885 was the first automobile. This car was the first gasoline engine to be developed. It was a one-cylinder 2-stroke engine that first ran on New Year's Eve of 1879. I believe that this car started a new way of life on earth. It was the first born of a very important breed of transportation which is now used by billions of people on a daily basis. -
During 1885 Alice H. Parker invented the furnace. Her heating machine was never used in an actual house structure because gas power was a revolutionary idea at the time with coal and wood being the main source at the time. The furnace was a genius invention which is now one of the most important things to be used inside a house. The ability to have a machine that heats up your whole house for you is a crucial thing to have in your home. -
Computer Monitor
The first computer monitor was invented by Karl Ferdinand Braun in 1897. This machine had a fluorescent screen known as the cathode ray oscilloscope. These inventions were, fortunately, cheaper to manufacturer, therefore they could be distributed to poor countries. The monitor enhanced human life drastically because of its unique and modern ways of doing things such as your job or even working at home. -
December 17, 1903, two brothers named Wilbur and Orville Wright invented the first powered aircraft. The first flight ever made by the airplane was at Kitty Hawk. Airplanes made a fast and easy way for humans to travel the world and explore new places. They create a way for people to explore the Earth and visit places they've always dreamed of. -
Pickup Truck
The first pickup truck was introduced by Henery Ford in 1925. The invention was first a normal Model T, but Henery decided to create a bed in the back of the vehicle for bigger storage and transportation reasons. This wonderful invention, made by Henery Ford known as the Model A Pickup Truck, became a much easier way to move bigger objects from one place to another because of its large compartment in the back. Many people in today's world use these vehicles for that specific reason. -
In the year of 1927, one of the first televisions was invented by Philo Farnsworth. The tiny screens sometimes had a width as little as 6 inches. These days you'll see homes with 85-inch televisions in their living room, but back then you would have to be, at most, 2 feet away to be able to see what was broadcasting. The television became a very popular item in modern-day living. People use them as entertainment, to catch up on the latest news, etc. -
Digital Camera
In the year 1975, Steven Sasson invented the first digital camera. The camera captured pictures at an approximate rate of 20 seconds a frame. The camera weighed 3.6 kilograms which would be held in your hand for manual use. Digital Cameras take a big part in family living. They are used to capture special moments that people want to remember. Most of all, they allow us to look back at our past and remember what we accomplished.