Technology Project

  • Ada Lovelace (Analytical Engine)

    Ada Lovelace (Analytical Engine)
    Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) was an English writer and mathematician who is known as the worlds first computer programmer. She created a machine algorithm that was used on an early computing machine. The discovery she made can be summarized as realizing that a computer can follow a sequence of instructions, (a program). The machine that she created her first algorithm for was the Analytic Engine, which was a mechanical general-purpose computer that was created by Charles Babbage.
  • Alan Turing (The Turing Machine)

    Alan Turing (The Turing Machine)
    Alan Turing (1912-1954) was an English logician, computer scientist, philosopher, mathematician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. Alan Turing's main invention was the Turing machine that was the first modern model of a computer meaning it contributed to the development of computers. The Turing machine is a mathematical model of computation(the action of mathematical calculation) that consists of a machine that according to given rules, manipulates symbols on a strip of tape.
  • John Von Neumann (MANIAC)

    John Von Neumann (MANIAC)
    John Von Neumann (1903-1957) was an American and Hungarian physicist, engineer, computer scientist, mathematician and polymath who is mostly known for his work such as the development of MANIAC which is short for mathematical analyzer, numerical integrator and computer. MANIAC was at the time, the fastest working computer that existed which is has contributed to the development of computers we have today. The mathematical foundation for game theory that he invented is used in many fields.
  • Douglas Engelbart (Computer mouse and Hypertext)

    Douglas Engelbart (Computer mouse and Hypertext)
    Douglas Carl Engelbart(1925-2013) was an American inventor and engineer which is mostly recognized for founding the field of human-computer interaction which resulted in the computer mouse being created and hypertext, networked computers and precursors to graphical user interfaces(GUI) being developed. His dream was to connect individuals in a network by using computers that would give them the ability to share and update information in real time. His inventions are still important today
  • Bill Gates (Microsoft)

    Bill Gates (Microsoft)
    Bill Gates is an American entrepreneur and computer programmer born in 1955 who is partly known for being the co-founder of the worlds largest computer software company, Microsoft. He is also known for being an investor, author and philanthropist. Microsoft plays a very big role in the computer software world and is best known for it's Windows operating system. Microsoft has taken part in expanding both gaming systems and computer systems.
  • Steve Wozniak (Apple II)

    Steve Wozniak (Apple II)
    Steve Wozniak is an american engineer who's occupation consists of being an electronics engineer, entrepreneur, programmer and
    philanthropist. He was born in 1950 and is most known for his role as the co-founder of Apple Inc. in 1976. His invention Apple II is a is an 8-bit home computer which is one of the worlds first most successful mass produced microcomputer products. Apple II was the leader into the first decade of personal computing and was released in 1977.
  • Tim Berners-Lee (The World Wide Web)

    Tim Berners-Lee (The World Wide Web)
    Tim Berners-Lee is an English computer scientist born in 1955 who is known for inventing the World Wide Web. It is something that we use on a daily basis and it can be described as an information system where web resources and documents are identified by Uniform Resource Locators that can be interlinked by hyperlinks. This makes it accessible over the internet. The World Wide Web has made people all over the world able to exchange information with each other.
  • Linus Torvalds (Linux)

    Linus Torvalds (Linux)
    Linus Torvalds is an Finnish-American software engineer born in 1969 who is the creator of the operating system Linux. Linux is an open source operating system which manages the hardware and resources of an system, for example memory and storage. The operating system plays the lead role in the enterprise infrastructure and has been used for inspiration in the development of computing. The highest-profile users of Linux are Google, NASA and the US Department of Defense.