
Technology Project #3c 1800-1876

  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson's Presidency

    Previous vice president, Thomas Jefferson served two terms as the third President of the U.S.
  • Steamboat invented

    Steamboat invented
    Robert Fulton invented the first steam powered ship named the "Clermont." This invention would forever change water transportation.
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    James Madison's Presidency

    Known as the "Father of the Constitution", founding father James Madison served two terms as the fourth President.
  • 1st Bank of the United States charter expires

    1st Bank of the United States charter expires
    Because of this, the US had to decide on a new bank.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    General William Henry Harrison led American troops in a victorious battle against dangerous Indian forces.
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    War of 1812

    This war was fought between America and Britian over certain maritime rights. One of these being the fact that the British was forcing American sailors to work on their ships.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    Nine American ships defeated and captured six British vessels.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    This battle was an American victory over the Indian warrior Tecumseh who sided with the British.
  • Battle of Fort McHenry

    Battle of Fort McHenry
    This was a sea and land battle fought between American and British forces. The Americans defense was succesful and the British retreat. During this battle while aboard a British ship, Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    This ended the War of 1812. The terms stated that all conquered territory was returned and the boundaries between Canada and the U.S. would be settled later.
  • Napoleon's defeat

    Napoleon's defeat
    The British finally defeated the French General Napolean Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo.
  • New Bank of the United States

    New Bank of the United States
    A new bank for the US was made in Philadelphia.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    Adams-Onis Treaty
    This treaty ceded Florida from Spain to the US and defined the boundary line between the US and Spain.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This agreement admitted Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state. Besides Missouri, slavery would be prohibited above the thirty-sixth parallel.
  • Mexico gains Independence

    Mexico gains Independence
    Mexico finally gains independence from its mother country, Spain.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    This document warned European nations that the U. S. would protect freedom in the Western Hemisphere.
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    John Quincy Adams' Presidency

    Son of former President John Adams, John Quincy Adams served one term as our sixth President.
  • Erie Canal completed

    Erie Canal completed
    This canal went from the Hudson River to Lake Erie measuring a total of 363 miles.
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    Andrew Jackson's Presidency

    Andrew Jackson was a former general in the U.S. Army. He served in both houses of Congress and served two terms as our seventh President.
  • Indian Rermoval Act

    Indian Rermoval Act
    This act forced Indian living east of the Mississippi to move farther west.
  • The Liberator first published

    The Liberator first published
    William Lloyd Garrison published this weekly newspaper in Boston. It urged it readers toward the freedom of slaves.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    Nat Turner and his fellow slaves rose up and killed nearly one-hundred white men, women and children in the name of slave freedom.
  • Mechanical Reaper invented

    Mechanical Reaper invented
    Cyrus McCormick invented the mechanical reaper so farmers could harvest their grain faster and easier.
  • Treaty of New Echota

    Treaty of New Echota
    This treaty removed the Cherokee Indians from their homeland to the West.
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    Battle of the Alamo

    After thirteen days of siege, General Santa Anna of Mexico takes the Alamo, killing everyone inside.
  • Texas proclaims independence

    Texas proclaims independence
    The Americans of Texas proclaim themselves independent from Mexico.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    After only eighteen minutes of fighting, the Texan army defeated Santa Anna and won their independence.
  • Steel Plow invented

    Steel Plow invented
    John Deere invented the steel plow. This made it easier for farmers to plow their fields.
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    Martin Van Buren's Presidency

    Founder of the Democratic Party, Van Buren served one term as our eighth President.
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    Brook Farm

    This 175 acre farm was a utopian experiment in communal living. It was abandoned after it burned in 1846.
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    William Henry Harrison's Presidency

    Thirty-one days into his term, he died of pneumonia becoming the first President to die in office and the shortest-serving US President in history.
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    John Tyler's Presidency

    After President William Henry Harrison's death, John Tyler became our tenth President. He became the first vice President to succeed to Presidency after his predecessor's death. He was also re-elected for the following term.
  • Webster-Ashburton Treaty

    Webster-Ashburton Treaty
    This treaty resolved border issues between America and British northern colonies.
  • 1st organized wagon train begins the Oregon Trail

    1st organized wagon train begins the Oregon Trail
    The first organized wagon train sets out on the Oregon Trail.
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    James K. Polk's Presidency

    Previous Speaker of the House of Representatives and Governor of Tennessee, Polk served one term as our tenth President.
  • Texas joins the US

    Texas joins the US
    After gaining independence, Texas joins the US as the twenty-eigth state.
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    Mexican War

    This war was fought because of a border dispute between the US and Mexico.
  • California declares itself part of the US

    California declares itself part of the US
    California leaves Mexico and declares itself part of the US.
  • Battle of Buena Vista

    Battle of Buena Vista
    General Zachary Taylor and his forces fight the larger Mexican Army.
  • Treaty of Hidalgo

    Treaty of Hidalgo
    The treaty ended the Mexican War and settled the boundary between Mexico and America.
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    Zachary Taylor's Presidency

    Before becoming our twelth President, Taylor served as major general in the Mexican War. Unfortunatley, he died after only a year in office.
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    Millard Fillmore's Presidency

    As vice-President, Fillmore became our thirteenth President after the death of Zachary Taylor. He is the last member of the Whig party to be in the White House.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin published
    Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin about the horrors of slavery. Lincoln even atributed her book to starting the Civil War.
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    Franklin Pierce's Presidency

    Pierce believed that the abolitionist movement was a threat to the nation's unity. He served one term as our fourteenth President.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This act allowed the people in a state to decide if slavery would be allowed in their state. Kansas and Nebraska were also formed.
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    James Buchanan's Presidency

    Before serving as our fifteenth President, Buchanan served as Secretary of State and represented Pennsylvania in both Houses of Congress.
  • South Carolina succeds

    South Carolina succeds
    South Carolina becomes the first state to succed from the Union.
  • Confederacy formed

    Confederacy formed
    The southern states form the Confederate States of Amercia and appoint Jefferson Davis as their President.
  • Period: to

    Abraham Linoln's Presidency

    Throughout the Civil War, Abrahm Linoln was President of the Union. Sadly, he was assasinated shortly into his second term.
  • Battle of Ft. Sumter

    Battle of Ft. Sumter
    Fort Sumter was attacked by the South Carolina militia. The battle ended with the forts surrender.
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    Civil War

    Slavery tore our country apart. This war was a fight against our own countrymen. It remains to this day one of the bloodiest wars in history.
  • 1st Battle of Bull Run

    1st Battle of Bull Run
    This was the first major battle of the Civil War and ended in a Confederate victory.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This Confederate victory was the bloddiest battle of the war.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The Confederate launched this suprise attack on General Ulysses S Grant. It is also. one of the first battles in the West
  • Emancipation Proclomation

    Emancipation Proclomation
    Lincoln gives this famous speech that frees all of the slaves.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    During this battle, the North gained controle of an important railroad. This victory greatly impacted the North's success.
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    Sherman's march to the sea

    Union General William T. Sherman led 60,000 soldiers on a 285 mile march from Atlanta to Savanah, Georgia. His goal was to frighten the South enought that they would give up their cause.
  • Lincoln's assasination

    Lincoln's assasination
    John Wilkes Booth sneaked into the President's booth at a theatre and shot Lincoln in the head.
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    Andrew Johnson's Presidency

    Because he was vice-President, Johnson became our seventeenth President after Linoln was assasinated.
  • Lee's surrender

    Lee's surrender
    General Rober E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomatox Courthouse.
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    Ulysses S. Grant's Presidency

    Before he became our eigtheenth President, Grant served as Commanding General of the United States Army during the Civil War.