World War II
the 28 nations at war with Axis powers pledge to make no separate peace deals -
Hiltler's Operation Sealion
the invasion of England, is cancelled -
Roosevelt to MacArthur
President Franklin Roosevelt orders General Douglas MacArthur out of the Philippines as American defenses collapse -
Battle of Los Angeles
a series of anti-aircraft engagements over the city in response to rumored but false Japanese attack. -
Total War
Adolf Hitler declares war on the United States -
Franklin D Roosevelt
1st US President to visit a foreign country during wartime -
Operation Overload
D-Day postponed until June -
Integrated Public Schools
The Supreme Court of the U.S. orders that all public schools be integrated -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on the bus to a white man, prompting a boycott that would lead to declaration of segregation -
Laser Intervention
Gordon Gould, an American physicist, invents the laser -
Eisenhower's second inaguration
President Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated for his second term in office. -
Civil Rights Bill
U.S. Congress approves the first civil rights bill since reconstruction with additional protection of voting rights -
49th State
Alaska is admitted to the U.S. as the 49th state -
Presidental Race
Senator John F. Kennedy wins presidential race to succeed two term president Dwight D. Eisenhower -
Berlin Wall
The construction of the Berlin wall begins -
The Voting Rights Act of 1965
The Voting Rirghts Act of 1965 is signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson -
Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall is sworn into office as the first black Supreme Court Justice -
Robert F. Kennedy
Presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy is shot -
The Death of Martin Luther King
Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King is assassinated -
Voting Age
Senate approves the 26th Constitutional Amendment that would lower the age of voting from 21 to 18 -
Nixon Resigns
President Richard Nixon avoided impeachment process by resigning the office of presidency -
40th President of the United States
Ronald Reagan elected President of the United States -
First Space Shuttle
The first space shuttle is launched from Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center -
Space Shuttle Challenger
The space shuttle Challenger explodes during takeoff at Cape Canaveral, killing all 7 astronauts on board. -
Black Monday
The stock market crashed -
41st President
Vice President, George H.W. Bush, elected President -
Gulf War
The U.S. invasion of Iraq in order to liberate Kuwait in Operation Desert Storm -
42nd President
Bill Clinton elected President of the United States -
43rd President of the United States
George W. Bush, son of former President George H.W. Bush, becomes President of the United States -
War on Terror
The war on terror begins with a joint U.S. and U.K. attack on Taiban and Al-Qaeda positions in Afghanistan