The 80's

Technology Project #3 1980-2001

  • Reagan's Inauguration

    Reagan's Inauguration
    40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan won the election on November 4, 1980 and was inaugurated on January 20, 1981. Following his inauguration, 52 Americans that were held hostage in Tehran were released after the failed Operation Eagle Claw that President Carter had ordered in April of 1980.
  • First Woman in Space

    First Woman in Space
    Astronaut Sally Ride made history for females around the world when she became the first woman in space. This was one of the biggest events representing men and women equality considering Neil Armstrong walked on the moon 20 years earlier.
  • Orbit of the Hubble Space Telescope

    Orbit of the Hubble Space Telescope
    Yet another milestone for America and their success in outer space, the Hubble Space Telescope not only proved America to be advanced in space technology, but provided a chance for all to see what it is like beyond the atmosphere. It also allowed for many scientific developments and discoveries.
  • End of the Gulf War

    End of the Gulf War
    Beginning on August 2, 1990, the Gulf War stemmed from tensions between Iraq and the United Nations. Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq, called for the invasion of Kuwait in order to control their oil industry in hopes to cancel out their debt. In about half a year, America was able to walk away with another military victory.
  • World Trade Center Bombing

    World Trade Center Bombing
    This bombing was one of the first terrorist operations successfully acted out in the United States. A bomb located in a truck below the North Tower of the World Trade Center caused only 6 deaths but injured over 1,000 people.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement Activated

    North American Free Trade Agreement Activated
    This agreement between the United Sates, Canada, and Mexico got rid of import taxes and trade barriers between the three countries. This allowed for easier and larger amounts of trade and promoted that the countries work together.
  • Columbine School Shooting

    Columbine School Shooting
    Perhaps the most memorable mass shooting at a school, twelfth grade students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and one teacher. They then both committed suicide, leaving many people around the country shocked and appalled.
  • September 11 Attacks

    September 11 Attacks
    To this day, the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in Manhattan, New York still serve as the most devastating terrorist act America has ever seen. The terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked two airplanes and flew each of them into one of the twin towers. This tragic incident resulted in a great deal of advancements in national security at almost every large building in the United States