Technology Project #2

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  • Women's Suffrage in the U.S.

    Women's Suffrage in the U.S.
    Congress passed the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote.
  • Benito Mussolini's Rise to Power

    Benito Mussolini's Rise to Power
    Mussolini became the youngest prime minister in Italian history and etsablished the Fascist party in Italy.
  • Chinese Civil War

    Chinese Civil War
    The Chinese Civil War began in 1927 and was fought between the Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek and the Communists led by Mao Zedong. The war lasted for around 20 years and they were also under attack by the Japanese during the same time.
  • Discovery of Penicillin

    Discovery of Penicillin
    There were many medical advancement in the 1920s with the discovery of penicillin being one of the main ones. Penicillin, discoverd by Alexander Fleming, was able to stop and heal infections which before hand was uncurable and somtimes fatal.
  • Stalin's First Five Year Plan

    Stalin's First Five Year Plan
    Stalin's First Five Year Plan was an attempt at creating a collectivist economy. The plan was faulty, peasents revolted, and many were killed in retaliation.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    The Wall Street Crash of 1929 triggered the Great Depression due to massive losses in the stock market.
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  • Invention of FM Radio Broadcasting

    Invention of FM Radio Broadcasting
    Edwin Armstrong invented FM radio technology that has been used for almost one hundred years.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected President of U.S.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected President of U.S.
    The 32nd president of the United Staates, Franklin Roosevelt began his first of two terms on March 4, 1933.
  • Rise of the Nazi Party

    Rise of the Nazi Party
    The Nazi Party declared itself as the only legitimate political party in Germany with Hitler as its leader.
  • Carpet Bombing of Guernica

    Carpet Bombing of Guernica
    The Spanish town of Guernica was bombed during the Spanish Civil War. It was the first type of raid conducted on European civilians by a modern air force.
  • Second Sino - Japanese War

    Second Sino - Japanese War
    In July off 1937, the Japanese invaded China in which they used brutal tacticts such as biological and chemical warfare. Their hatred for the Chinese was expressed in this war in which an estimated 20 million of them were killed.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht, also know as the Night of Broken Glass, was a violent anti jewish attack by the Nazis. That night, 7,500 Jewish business were trashed, 267 synogogues burned, 91 Jews killed, and over 25,000 arrested.
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  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    In the summer of 1940, Germany made its first attacks on Britain. This battle was unique because it was the first battle conducted entirely with air forces. Germany's goal was to force Britain into a peace agreement but it was their first loss of World War II.
  • Germany's Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Germany's Invasion of the Soviet Union
    Germany invaded the Soviet Union as part of his plan to gain more territory for Aryan germany. Hitler told his soldiers to kill as many people as possible and to fight with no rules.
  • Japanse Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanse Attack on Pearl Harbor
    At the end of 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. This provoked the United States to join the allies in the war and began the war in the Pacific.
  • Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki

    Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki
    The United States bombed Nagasaki three days after bombing Hiroshima. These nuclear bombs devatsed the cities and killed around 100,000 Japanese citizens. The second bomb provoked Japan to surrender, ending the war in the Pacific.
  • Establishment of the State of Israel

    Establishment of the State of Israel
    In 1948, Israel Declared themselves an independant nation after years of war and struggle between them and Palestine. The issues between Israel and Palestine have never been resolved and they are still fighting to this day.
  • Founding of the People's Republic of China

    Founding of the People's Republic of China
    The communists won out over the nationalists and the PRC was born. Since its founding by Mao Zedong, the Chinese Communist Party has maintained political control over the country.