Technology Progression Class Assignment

By Wkey
  • Steam Calculator

    Steam Calculator
    Created by Charles Babbage, this machine was run by steam power, of which it was used for mathematical functions to solve very complex equations
  • Hollerith Punch Card

    Hollerith Punch Card
    Created by Hermen Hollerith, this consisted of a blank card that was used to store data through punched holes, which were late read for data processing
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    An American mathematician who was famously known for his Turing Machine, which was created to break the encryption on the German Enigma Machines used by Germany to send information in World War II
  • HP

    Company founded by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard
  • Engelbart GUI

    Engelbart GUI
    Created by Douglas Engelbart, the Graphical User Interface became what is now commonly known as a GUI, which is what allows anyone to even interact with anything on a computer screen
  • Grace Hopper - COBOL

    Grace Hopper - COBOL
    Cobol was a programming language created by American computer scientist Grace Hopper that allowed for data processing. Interesting to note that she created this through a Department of Defense contract with the United States Government
  • Apple

    Company founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
  • Windows

    First version of Windows created by Microsoft that was a graphical operating system shell for the MS-DOS, created as a response to growing use of GUI
  • Tim Berners Lee

    Tim Berners Lee
    A famous computer scientist who is responsible for creating the internet, known as the world wide web (WWW). His creation leaped humanity in its technological endeavors and forever changed the way our world works
  • WiFi

    A networking technology invented by Vic Hayes and others that use radio waves to provide wireless connection to the internet.
  • iPhone

    A smartphone released by apple that revolutionized and changed the world as we know it. This created a wave of smartphones to come out years following and is now widely considered the standard for phones due to its impressive processing power, secure use, safe use, and other features like games and mail.
  • Chromebook

    Laptop released by HP that quickly swept the nation, specifically in schools for its fast, safe, & secure use
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    Product released by Apple that revolutionized smartphone technology implemented onto a watch