Technology Progression

  • The First Electronic/Digital Computer

    The Atanasoff-Berry Computer
    John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry
    The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was the first ever electronic/digital computer invented. The invention it's self changed the way computing structures are now formed. By using vacuum tubes to do the arithmetic calculations, this changed the way computer would be made in the future. While it didn't effect the public at the time, it would drastically change the public in the years to come.
  • First Laptop

    The Epson HX-20
    Yukio Yokozawa
    This was the first ever, "true", commercially successful laptop. The Epson HX-20 was designed by Yukio Yokozawa while he worked for a branch of a Japanese company named "Sieko". He received a patent for the invention and paved the way for modern day technology. The beginning of Lap Tops began with this invention and began setting inventors on fire with ideas.
  • Mac

    Mac Book
    Apple (Steve Jobs)
    The invention of the Mac, by Apple, brought about the first computer from the brand founded in California. The original Macintosh changed the world because it was so easy for everyone to jump into. The first Mac would soon lead to the production to one of the most needed work appliances of all time.
  • First iphone

    Apple (Steve Jobs)
    The digital, multi touch screen, 3.5 inch screen, microphone, and headset control. The iphone was the first of it's kind with the new countless appliances and began to change the ear of technology as we know it.
  • IPod Touch

    ipod Touch
    Steve Jobs (Apple)
    The ipod touch was a revolutionary invention with the first touch screen feature connected to Apple's ipod line. The device had all the feature of the current iphone of the time without the ability to text or call.