Technology Over Time: Cars

  • First Automobile

    First Automobile
    Nicholas Joseph Cugnot, invented the first automobile. Although, it was to heavy so the automobile couldn't go very fast, its top speed was 2.5 mph
  • 1st modern usable car

    1st modern usable car
    The first modern useable car was the 1901 Mercedes, created by Wilhelm Maybach. It had a 35 horsepower engine, that only weighed 14 pounds per horsepower. It achieved a top speed of fifty-three mph.
  • Car Production

    Car Production
    Daimler employed some seventeen hundred workers to produce fewer than a thousand cars per year.
  • Car Replacement

    Car Replacement
    Replacement demand for new cars was exceeding demand from first-time owners and multiple car purchasers combined.
  • Car Signals

    Car Signals
    The first car signals were added.
  • Best Selling Car

    Best Selling Car
    The best selling car is the Toyota Corolla
  • New Features

    New Features
    Keyless entry systems, electric doors and windows, sunroofs and CD players started to become standard features.
  • Cars Per Year

    Cars Per Year
    60 million cars are produced per year
  • Newest Car

    Newest Car
    The newest car is the Chevrolet Corvette