Beggining of Film
The begining of film has started. This is when there was a lack of technology and there was no color nor sound. -
Film with sound
Wiki Film with sound started in 1900. The first known exhibition to the public for film with sound was in Paris. It was a little bad, but it was the begining of tsomething big. -
Film with color
WikiWays to put color with film where invented but some didn"t work. But some did. They started to test with color in 1899 and 1900. It was first commercialized in 1902. -
Portable film
WikiBegining of portable film was taking over the crowd of individuals that wanted to be a director of a film. Now they can by themselves. One of the first models was the Filmo 16 mm. -
VHS Tapes
VHS TapesThis is when you can take a movie home instead of going to the movies. It costs a lot less.You can watch it on your t.v. -
CD movies
CDPhilips introduced a laser disc. It can hold an hour on each side of the disc. You can hold movies and music on these disc. -
HD Film was invented
HD FILMThis is when HD film was invented. HD means high definition. So that means that the looks and colors and souns are crystal clear. -
3D Films
3D filmThis is the time when 3D was really peaking. 3D is when the film really pops out at you. So it really cool.