• 400

    400 bc

    c. 400 B.C.E.
    Archytas of Tarentum is reported to have made a steam-propelled pigeon.
  • Jul 1, 1000

    China Kites

    China Kites
    1000 B.C.E.
    Kite is invented in China
  • May 8, 1485

    Da Vinci

    Da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci designs flying machines and parachute.
  • CAMERAphone

    The first camera cell phone introduced commercially was in Japan
  • Facebook

    A website for social usage, communicating and sharing with the people in your life
  • IPOD 4

    IPOD 4
    An awesome and brand new mp3 player containing many apps with music in it, besides from listening music, you can play or use apps at the same time
  • Nintendo DS

    Nintendo DS
    A gaming device where you can download and play games, as well as being portable
  • Skydiving

    c. 852 B.C.E.
    English King Bladud is apparently killed attempting to fly.