Technology over the years

  • Bandaid Invented

    Bandaid Invented
    The bandaid was invented by Earle Dickson, after creating it for his wife. The bandaid was introduced first as a self made bandaid through Johnson and Johnson. Though this isn't tech as we usually view it, this invention greatly impacted our lives given that it added to our safety and protection through the prevention of infection.
  • First Radio Station in U.S.

    First Radio Station in U.S.
    The first radio station was broadcasted on November the 2 since that was election day. This invention paved the way for bringing news to the masses in a while that the whole family could join in on. This invention was not only important for its initial use but it also paved the way to news broadcasts and TV down the road.
  • Lie Detector Invented

    Lie Detector Invented
    The Lie Detector was invented by a California based policeman John A. Larson who was also a physiologist. The invention measured specific reaction in the body that were triggered through stress. The invention has better aided in criminal cases and in delivering justice.
  • The Audiometer invented

    The Audiometer invented
    Invented by Dr. Harvey Fletcher , this invention measure "keenness of hearing". This better aided doctors in identifying whether a patient was losing hearing .
  • Three colored Traffic Light

    Three colored Traffic Light
    The traffic light as we know it, was invented in 1920 by a Detroit police man named William Potts. This tech had greatly enhanced our lives and safety while on the roads. This invention helped to better order the direction of cars.