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Technology of an iGen

  • PC

    Year: 1970 - present
    Invention: PC
    Inventor: unknown
    This invention known as the PC was create an ungodly amount of opportunities for the future generations to come, with all the multi-function purposes that it is capable of. Truly a modern marvel.
  • MacBook

    Year: 2006
    Invention: MacBook
    Inventor: Apple
    This invention would further prosper the computer industry with bring the capabilities of a pc and redesigning them to be a more stylish, faster, travel, Computer.
  • 2nd Gen iPad

    2nd Gen iPad
    Year: 2011
    Invention: iPad second generation
    Inventor: Apple
    This device was the Apple industry’s second successful attempt at creating their tablet device that would revolutionize the way we use the internet and technology today.
  • iPhone 4

    iPhone 4
    Year: 2011
    Invention: iPhone 4
    Inventor: Apple
    This device was the fourth successful launch of the iPhone that was to create a cellphone for the modern day. Much like their other devices, this one would also further revolutionize to cellphone
  • 2nd Gen iPad Pro

    2nd Gen iPad Pro
    Year: 2020
    Invention: iPad Pro second generation
    Inventor: Apple
    This device was the second successful launch of the redesigned iPad Pro tablets. However this tablet was built to be different from the other tablets, by building it with MacBook components that completely change the game of the tablet industry.