Technology of 2000 to 2010

By ekateta
  • USB flash drive

    invented by Pua Khein-Seng
    This technology was ground breaking at the time of its release. It replaced the optical discs and floppy drivers. Furthermore, this technology helped reduce the number of cables needed to connect devices and data storage
  • Ipod

    Released by Apple
    This device changed the way we consume music and paved the way for iTunes and other media players.
  • Blackberry

    founded by Mike Lazaridis and Doug Fregin
    With the release of the first smartphone, they changed and redefined the entire meaning of a cellphone. For the first time we were able to receive email, listen to music, watch video. take pictures etc on our phones.
  • Blu-ray

    invented by Dr Shuji Nakamura
    This technology redefined the video disc market by enhancing the video quality compared to the DVD and VCR/VHS.
  • Nintendo Wii

    invented by Shigeru Miyamoto
    This invention changed the video gaming industry and took the gaming experience to a new level by popularizing the movement based controllers for games. Also appealing to a wider audience beyond the typical young men (who typically played video games on consoles at the time)