Technology Inventions in 1970's

  • Email

    Invented in 1971
    Inventor was Ray Tomlinson
    Before the email was invented, Ray message people only on the same mainframe as him. But he soon discover that he can put a "@" to separate the user and computer between different computers.
  • Pong

    Invented in 1972
    Inventor was Allen Alcorn then published by Atari.
    When the pong was developed it was to help Allen learn more about developing a video game. But when the video game was released it became a hit and gaming companies took notice of the success. Ever since then it was the first video game with sports to be together and to create the e-sports industry.
  • Cell phone

    Cell phone
    Cell phone
    Invented in 1973
    Inventor was Martin Cooper
    When the phone was first commercial was 1983 it was Martin to have a make the first prototype for the phone. It was called the "Brick" and many companies tried to make the phone cordless and wireless and had lots of attempts. But Martin achieve and called Dr. Joel S. Engl to tell and call on the sidewalk of his success.
  • Digital Camera

    Digital Camera
    Digital Camera
    Invented in 1975
    The Inventors were Terry Walker, Harry Garland, and Roger Melen
    When they invented the digital camera it was called the Cromemco Cyclops and it has features of an imagine sensor, a modified mod memory chip, and 32 by 32 pixels. It was designed for a peripheral to a microcomputer for an old advisement.
  • Apple computer

    Apple computer
    Apple computer
    Invented in 1976
    Inventor was Steve Wozniak but manufactured by Apple
    When the apple computer was being invented the had competition with Altair's microcomputer it needed expansion cards for video and keyboard but the Apple 1 supported all of that. It had a better advantage to the competition but only 200 were and had some good sales to use.