Technology in the early 2000's

  • Facebook

    Started by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook allowed people to connect online unlike ever before. It quickly grew to be one of the most popular social media sites. It paved the way for social media that we enjoy today.
  • Youtube

    Youtube was founded by 3 friends as a way for ordinary people to share their home videos. It has since grown to become one of the top video distributer sites in the world. It also opened up a platform for influencers to gain fame and fans.
  • iPhone

    Invented by Apple, the iPhone laid the foundation for modern smartphone. It introduced to big things to the technological world, touch screen and the App Store
  • Windows 7

    Windows 7
    Windows 7 was a big upgrade to Microsoft Windows. It had improved performance, more intuitive interface (like the new taskbar), and other major improvements.
  • iPad

    Apple introduced the first tablet, the iPad. It was designed to be better at web browsing, email, photos, video, music, games, and ebooks. It was meant to out do smartphones and laptops in these categories.