At my first student teaching placement, my main resource was the course textbook. -
Later I was able to obtain a course workbook that I used as an additional resource to the lessons. -
Starting at my next student teaching placement, I was able to add the use of the blacboard into m lessons. -
Here using the copier became more frequent since textbooks were kept at home and we did not have a class set. -
Overhead Projector
My first year teaching full time, I had use of the overheard projector so that I could make less copies and use less paper. -
The television became a part of the lessons, especially when teaching about culture. -
Portable Stereo
A portable cd player made an appearance at the start of my second year of full time teaching. This was used to practice listening skills from authentic speakers. -
In my last year full time teaching, whiteboards were installed and I was able to incorprate them into my lessons. -
Once my computer was connected to the whitebaord projector, I was able to make more exciting lessons with PowerPoint. -
Upon returning home I began substitute teaching. Here computers were more commonly used in the classroom and in large computer labs. -
At some of the schools, mainly elementary or in special needs classes, I had access to a smartboard, which the students and I loved to use. -
Online Resources
Since 2014, while completing my Masters degree, I have used and will use many new applications that I can take into the classroom.