Technology in the 90s

  • Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop
    Brothers Thomas and John Knoll noticed the lack of photo editing features on computers and decided to code some of their own. After years of development in the late 1980s, the Knoll brothers sought out investors and eventually came to the attention of Adobe. With investment from Adobe and the help of its staff, Photoshop 1.0 was released in February 1990.
  • Linux

    Linus Torvalds was in his second year at the University of Helsinki when he began developing the industry-changing open-source Linux operating system. He originally set out to build a new operating system for his Intel PC, but Torvalds ended up creating one of the largest platforms for internet companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Nokia 1011

    Nokia 1011
    Although mobile phones appeared on the market in the 1980s, it was not until 1994 that Nokia launched its first cell phone, the Nokia 1011. The device changed the way cell phones were viewed, being the first mass-produced GSM phone. Before the Nokia 1011, mobile phones were bigger and more cumbersome, which made them difficult to transport.
  • The DVDs

    The DVDs
    The replacement for VHS, DVD (digital video disk) was developed in 1995 and released in 1996. In addition, the world's first DVD player, the Toshiba SD-3000, instantly became popular. No single company or person can be credited for the invention of DVD - several tech companies created variations, and each came to an agreement on one format, thus avoiding a repeat of VHS and Betamax competition.
  • Google

    Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin met in 1995 at Stanford University. In 1996, the two were writing a program for a search engine called Backrub, and after the success of this platform, Brin and Page registered the domain name in 1997. They continued to develop what would become the largest search engine of the world in the garage of their friend Susan Wojcicki (current director of YouTube). Google was officially incorporated as a company in September 1998.