Technology in the 60's

  • The Laser

    The Laser
    The Laser was invented byTheodore Maiman. It is now used to read blue-ray. Laser is an acronym and stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
  • Space War

    Space War
    This was tyhe first game invented for computers. It was invented by Steve Russel. It took 200 hours to write the whole game.
  • The first computerized enclypedia

    The first computerized enclypedia
    The first computerized enclypedia was made to make life easier for people who didn't like to look up something in a thick book. It was first known as Interpedia. That was because it was on the internet.
  • The first internet sent message.

    The first internet sent message.
    This was the first time that a letter was sent by the internet. It was at 10:30 pm and it crashed the internet. The letters it sent were"L" and "O".
  • The first Supercomputer

    The first Supercomputer
    This computer was invented by Semour Crey. Supercomputers are now used for predicting the weather. It was the CDC 7600.