Technology in the 1990s

  • World Wide Web made public

    World Wide Web made public
    created by Tim Berners-Lee. Easy to use web browsing software, making the internet more accessible.
  • MP3 file format made public

    MP3 file format made public
    created by Fraunhofer Society under Karlheinz Brandenburg. Would go on to become the standard for audio/music on PCs.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    produced by Microsoft, this 32-bit OS would become so popular it would become the standard operating system for most PCs
  • Java programming language

    Java programming language
    developed by James Gosling/Sun Microsystems, was integrated into the graphical web browsers to enhance user experience.
  • iMac all-in-one computer

    iMac all-in-one computer
    created by Apple, became a go-to option for inexpensive desktop computers (many of us saw these in school!)