Technology in The 1980s

  • Compact Discs

    In 1979, the first prototype CD was revealed to technology in Europe and Japan. CDs were made available to the public in 1982 and they quickly became the most efficient way of storing music.
  • First Space Shuttle Launch

    Space Shuttle Columbia was the first Space Shuttle to reach space when it was launched from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in 1981 and returned 54.5 hours later.
  • DNA Fingerprinting

    This was discovered in 1984 by Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys after he realized you could detect variations in human DNA.
  • Disposable Cameras

    The familiar disposable camera was developed by Fujifilm in 1986. A disposable camera is a simple box camera meant to be used once and sold with va roll of film installed.
  • Nintendo Game Boy

    The Game Boy is a hand held game console manufactured by Nintendo. It was first released in Japan.