Technology in the 1970s

  • Invention of the Email

    Invention of the Email
    Invention- Email
    Inventor- Ray Tomlinson The ability to email made communication so much easier. Emailing made it possible to communicate with people across the country in a few minutes instead of waiting for a letter to be delivered by mail.
  • The invention of the Floppy Disk

    The invention of the Floppy Disk
    Invention- Floppy Disk
    Inventor- Warren L. Dalziel The floppy disk helped expand computer storage. Before the invention, storage was limited to whatever storage your computer had but the floppy disk made it possible to store files elsewhere and save computer storage.
  • The invention of the Cell Phone

    The invention of the Cell Phone
    Invention- Cell Phone
    Inventor- Martin Cooper (Motorola) The Cell Phone changed the phone industry. Before cell phones, people were limited to the landlines to make a call. The cell phone made it possible to carry a phone with you everywhere and make calls as needed.
  • The invention of the Digital Camera

    The invention of the Digital Camera
    Invention- Digital Camera
    Inventor- Terry Walker, Harry Garland, Roger Melen The digital camera made it possible to take a picture and see it on a screen immediately after the image was taken. Prior to the digital camera, people had to get their film developed before they could see pictures.
  • The invention of the GPS

    The invention of the GPS
    Invention- GPS
    Inventor- U. S. Navy The Global Positioning System (GPS) made it possible to locate your position in the world on a device rather than trying to read a map. The GPS made traveling easier and more efficient.