Technology in the 1920s

  • Radio Broadcast

    Radio Broadcast
    The first commercial broadcast was scheduled by Pittsburgh's Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. As radio became more commercialized, broadcasting became regular and is still used today to listen to talk shows, music, and the news.
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    Technology in the 1920s

  • First motion picture with Synched- Sound

    Lee Dee Forest, Theodore Case, and E.I Sponable worked together to create the first means to synch sound with a film. Their creation was used later in the decade by Warner Bros as they produced the first films to include in synch sound effects, music, and dialogue
  • Invention of modern traffic lights

    William Potts honed in on the need to control traffic, although much tamer than modern day. He invented the yellow traffic light to indicate when to slow down.
  • Vacuum Cleaner

    The modern day vacuum cleaner was invented with a disposable bag to make it more efficient and easier to use. This product was developed by the Vacuum company, Hoover. Vaccuum cleaners have progressed since then and remain the most efficient way to clean floors.
  • Television

    The first electronic television was created by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, John Logie Baird, and Charles Francis Jenkins. Televisions are used widely all across the world today and a prime source of entertainment for many.