Ibm pc 1982

Technology In My Lifetime

  • IBM releases a low cost home PC

    IBM releases a low cost home PC
    While still expensive, IBM released a low cost home PC that set in motion a standard of having a computer in the household, though another 10-15 passed before that became a reality, IBM helped usher in personal computers as an eventual common household appliance.
  • Video Games in the House

    Video Games in the House
    In 1983, the Nintendo Entertainment System was introduced as a gaming console for use in the home. While the 8-bit graphic home gaming system was not technically the first, it spurred a new market for gaming consoles.
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, submitted a proposal for an information management system that laid the groundwork for the World Wide Web.
  • Playstation

    In 1994, Playstion, created by Sony, was introduced as a new type of gaming console that used a CD-Rom instead of cartridges like the original Nintendo. More importantly, Playstation's evolved video gaming to new heights in subsequent years, and how people used gaming consoles. Another important facet to this technology is its impact on social and cultural practices now shared between children, adolescents, and adults.
  • The Rise of Google

    The Rise of Google
    Google launched in 1998, and though it emerged in a field of many web-browsers, Google rose to prominence within a decade. Over the last decade, Google expanded into a massive company that is synonymous with the Internet.
  • WiFi

    In 1999, WiFi became available to the public, and became increasingly important for connectivity beyond the home, office, or school. The wireless technology ushered in a new boom to the availability of the Internet as technology integrated WiFi capabilities and once again impacted how people access and use the Internet. Today, WiFi is so important that business, restaurants, hotels and other public spaces advertise, "Free WiFi" as an amenity.