2000's Technology

  • Camera Phone

    The release of the camera phone introduced a way for people to use their phones for more than just calls. The camera of a phone to this day is what makes distinguishes the iPhone from other sellers.
  • MySpace

    MySpace was one of the original social platforms that created a path for other social media to come along and connect people virtually- platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • YouTube

    Youtube enhances our lives to this day because since its release there have been other companies releasing music platforms and YouTube is also a way people can make a living by making and posting content.
  • Netflix Online

    Netflix Online
    When Netflix started offering its services online, it allowed for future streaming services to develop. Now streaming services can be watched on the tv, from your phone, or laptop.
  • 3D Camera

    3D Camera
    The 3D camera's drop introduced greater camera quality that people didn't think could happen. Now, 4D content is available to see on Youtube, documentaries/movies, and even produced by normal everyday people who are able to access it.