Technology in Grade School

  • Google Slides

    Google Slides
    We were allowed to create a presentation instead of writing a book report. Our English teacher allowed us to have the creative freedom to use google slides as a way demonstrate our knowledge of the novel we were reading at the time.
  • Kahoot

    We used to Kahoot to study for our upcoming quiz in history class. Out teacher created a Kahoot so we could review before the quiz.
  • Google Classroom

    Google Classroom
    Google classroom was introduced to us as a way to keep all our assignments in one place. It was easy for our class to navigate what assignments were due and when. It gave us access from home to see our homework or assignments. It was pretty closely used as Camino is today.
  • Quizlet

    I used Quizlet for my math class and my group had to make our own flash cards to study with. It really helped us be able to have an easy way to study efficiently.
  • Excel Worksheet

    Excel Worksheet
    Our statistics class was taught how to use excel worksheets to create graphs that go along with our data. By using excel we were able to analyze the data that we were using in class at the time.