Technology in Grade School as a Student

  • Computer

    Used a PC Windows/Computer in the computer lab. Played games such as: Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? and Oregon Trail. I learned about the floppy disk and how to save documents on it.
  • Portable CD Player

    Portable CD Player
    I listened to stories with the CD player and followed along with text.
  • iMac

    My school switched out to iMacs and learned the difference between a Mac and PC. We played games on a CD-ROM and worked on typing skills.
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    My teacher used the overhead projector all the time. She also gave us the opportunity to use it to show our thinking, especially in math.
  • Internet Access

    Internet Access
    I was taught how to use the world wide web and reliable websites for research projects in Social Studies.
  • Scientific Calculator

    Scientific Calculator
    Utilized in algebra to solve problems. The square root function was used the most.
  • Graphic Calculator

    Graphic Calculator
    Utilized in class for functions and graphing.