Technology in Grade School

  • TV Carts

    TV Carts
    TVs were placed on carts with wheels, and they would be brought out to watch educational videos, movies, etc.
  • CD Players

    CD Players
    CD players were used in classrooms to play music as well as to provide instructions for worksheet activities. Additionally, CD players were used during physical education to play music and pacer tests.
  • Overhead Projectors

    Overhead Projectors
    Overhead projectors were used with transparent sheets that teachers could write on. Everything would be projected for the whole class on the board to view.
  • Computer Labs

    Computer Labs
    Classes were assigned to the computer lab on specific days for 30-45 minutes at a time. There was a room full of computers where students would practice typing on the keyboard, participate in educational games, or practice researching on the internet.
  • Laser Pointers

    Laser Pointers
    Laser Pointers were used in the classroom mainly by teachers to point out specific images or texts being displayed. Teachers would sometimes allow students to use the laser pointer during class presentations.
  • Basic Calculators

    Basic Calculators
    Basic Calculators were used in the classroom for mathematics, and to overall become comfortable with the device. Each classroom had its own set.